Miami Off-Market & Foreclosure Properties
Want to buy Off-Market and Foreclosure properties?
What type, size, preferred locations and amount of cash do you want to spend? We will find the closest match that is immediately available for you. Each week, the bank gives us a list of hundreds of all types of property all over the USA. We are sworn to secrecy until we tell them who our buyers will be.
To prove you are a serious buyer (because they do not want the property back) the banks will require you to prove:
- That you have the cash money to buy the property. They will need to see a current bank statement and talk to your banker.
- That you can close in 3 weeks.
- You know how to renovate and manage the property. Income Realty Corp can inspect the property and help you with purchase, rehab, and management. The banks will accept Income Realty’s expertise, if needed.
Fill out our form or call us to get you started!
We can evaluate each property and send you a full report before you buy.
Financing needed?
We can refer you directly to knowledgeable bankers and broker. Just tell them your situation and what you need and expect a quick response.